Phase 3 - Unleashing Speed

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In Phase 3 we introduce the Throw the Ball Drill to teach you the simplest, fastest and most efficient way to dramatically and correctly increase your clubhead speed in a single session.

  1. You are building on the 7 checkpoints you have learned so far and those don't change.
  2. Preset your trail arm in a loaded position 90* degrees to your chest and with 90* of elbow flexion
  3. Rotate your rib cage and load the trail leg
  4. Step onto lead foot big toe
  5. Pivot
  6. Throw
  7. Trail elbow should be close to trail hip pocket/belt

All right, you can now hit the ball straight. You can start to shape it. You can release the club. Now it's time to add power and speed in phase three, the fun stuff, and the simplest way to do that is the good old throw the ball drill that I did 15 years ago on the site. The throw the ball drill teaches you the exact kinematic sequence. That is the most efficient way for the human body to propel an object. It's that simple. When you think about it, the same movements of throwing a ball are incredibly similar for creating speed for the golf swing as well. And so we're going to talk about how you can learn how to add speed, like you've never had before, with this simple drill, and we're gonna start out with a golf ball, so you can actually pick up some balls.

We're gonna set a ball down on the ground to give you a target, but there's a couple key checkpoints that you wanna start to focus on when you're doing this, throw the ball drill. The first thing is we're not throwing the ball with just our arm. There's no power in that. Just like if you were throwing a ball from left field and baseball with just your arm, there's no power. We have to use our body.

setting right arm in golf backswingSo how are we gonna do that? The first thing you're going to do. I want you to elevate your arm a little bit and set it. So I'm just gonna fold my right arm a little bit. Let the wrist set back here a little bit. I'm doing this and keeping my arm at a roughly 90 degree relationship to my chest. I'm not letting it fly out here.

That's gonna create a lot of struggles with inconsistency, because everything you put into the swing, you gotta take back out in the down swing. So we're just gonna keep our arm, nice in front of our body. And no more than 90 degree bend from here. I can feel that my bicep muscle is kind of touching my upper peck. I don't want to be disconnected like this.

So once I'm here, all I need to do is rotate. You can see I'm gonna take my right shoulder, pull it back behind my head. That helps me naturally shift my pressure to my trail leg. And now I'm loaded up.

I can throw this. I have some power. It's very important that you turn that you don't just pick your arm up and throw like this, that's weak.

We want some oomph behind this thing. And so we want to use our whole body, our legs, our trunk, everything to help propel this ball.

Once we're in this position, to where our arm is loaded up, you can see my now that I've made a back swing. My chest is pointing down the target line, my bicep and my humorous, my arm should also be pointing down the target line. Not way back behind me.

So now I'm in a good position here where I can throw. The simplest way to get a feeling for what is the transition of the golf swing is to take a step. And this is natural. When you're throwing a ball, you naturally take a step in golf. We tend to get really static because we don't get that benefit of that step. And so our lower body gets kind of lazy and doesn't do anything.

So I'm actually gonna have you take a step and I'm gonna teach you how to do it correctly. What you're going to feel is the same sequence like that you learn in the AXIOM where the pressure shift is moving in a figure, eight pattern.

It's moving in a specific circle, a clockwise circle for right-handed golfers and what that's gonna do first. I'm gonna step onto my toe. So for me as a right-handed golfer, I'm turned and I'm gonna take a step onto my toe. And then as I plant my heel, I wanna push it down and straighten that leg.

What happens to my hip? It gets open straightening, your leg, opening your hip, pushing off of that toe to do it quickly as you pivot onto that toe, and then snap that foot down, is where the speed comes from to move your hips quickly. Most golfers don't move their hips much at all.

right arm top of backswingSo for you to get this feeling of pushing down, you know, pivoting onto your toe, and then you can even rotate your foot to point it out, to get a feeling for your hips rotating quickly, this will help you move everything faster so that you can throw harder.

Now, of course, in the golf swing, we're not gonna add this big pivot movement because the more stuff you put in there, the more moving parts, the more difficult it is to become consistent. But you can see this move in long drive guys.

They get way up on this toe and then snap that foot down in order to get those hips moving quick.

So this is gonna be a drill that you use have to use with some judgment here because you can start adding a lot of speed to your swing, but you may struggle with control. So a judicious use of power here is what I'm asking.

You don't need to be making this huge move where you're making this crazy step and spinning your hips as fast as you can. It's fine to do that at first to get a feel for waking up those hips and feeling how they create speed in the swing and give you power to help propel your arm.

But at first, let's keep it a little bit in check so that you're not going a little bit too crazy with it. So as you're doing this, you're gonna preset your arm, rotate back. And so once you've made a nice turn where your chest is away from the target, your arm is pointing straight down the target line back away from behind you, step onto your toe, pivot.

And you'll see that as you do this, it's okay for your foot to rotate. And that will help you learn to feel your hip rotation and the speed that that gives you to help propel that arm down and to move your arm faster, using your legs. So let's do this a few times and get a feel for it.

So we're gonna preset the arm, rotate back. You can see that my arm is pointing down the target line. My chest is pointing straight back at the camera back behind me. I'm gonna step, pivot and throw.

So now as I do this, my hips are wide open and they helped propel that arm down through the hitting area to get a good snap and release. I want to do that several times to get a feel for how quickly this - onto my toe pivot, straighten the leg, rotate the hips. And that gives me the speed to really fling the arm through the hitting area.

Once I have that, the basic feeling of throwing a ball and a couple things that you want to be mindful of, you're not throwing the ball like this. You're gonna have secondary tilt. Your axis is gonna lean back a little bit.

golf swing pivotYour right elbow trail arm elbow is gonna come down by your belt. As you throw. It's not this, it's more of a side arm throw to get that proper release to get the club down on plane. Now, as you do it with a golf club, you're gonna start to feel real speed in your swing for the first time. So we're gonna elevate my arm a little bit preset, no more than 90 degree bend. My upper bicep is touching my upper peck. Turn, step pivot, throw. Preset, turn, step onto my toe, pivot and throw.

Now, as you, once you get this, you can, you don't have to preset it every time. If you're getting into a reasonable spot, you can start to swing the club and you can start to tone down your step and pivot to make it more like your normal swing. So I'm just taking a little tiny step, but what I'm really trying to feel here is that speed of the throwing motion. It's still the most efficient way to propel an object that man has figured out. So this kinematic sequence is so important for you to learn. And now when we add the, the lead arm back onto it, we can preset again, rotate back, step and throw. I've got a lot of speed there.

That throwing motion gives me a ton of speed. So now how do we apply this to start hitting balls without spraying it all over the place and losing all of our great checkpoints that we've learned so far.

What you're going to do is modify the nine to three from being parallel to the ground with the club shaft, to parallel to the ground with the arm. So now we're gonna turn a little bit more and our arm is gonna end up parallel to the ground here.

As we come through on the other side, it's gonna do the same thing. So parallel, parallel, that's your goal. And that's where you're gonna check your checkpoints. All the checkpoints that you've learned in phase one and two.

Exactly the same. And we're gonna walk you through that. So I'm gonna hit a ball here. I'm not trying to swing hard. I'm trying to throw, I'm trying to get speed. Effortless speed.

Just like I felt when I was throwing that ball. And I'm again, only gonna swing back to lead arm parallel and try to stop at about both arms parallel on the other side.

Perfect. I was so proud of it. I twirled at club instead of holding my check instead of checking my checkpoints. That's okay. We'll do it again. so one more.

So now I can check my checkpoints. So is my head still back?

My hips are open my pressure's on my lead side. You'll notice as I started to come around to more of a follow through, it's gonna start to pull that trail leg up a little bit. My head's still back behind the ball. I've got secondary tilt. My golf club is released.

So if I do it from this way, so you can see up the line, you can see I'm still keeping down. I can let my head swivel. I'm not picking it up. I'm staying in my posture. As you look at the club, my wrist is slightly cupped. The toe is released. I'm not holding off the face.

golf club release I'm letting the club release. Everything else is the same, lead my pressures here. Of course your shoulders are gonna start to open a little bit more, but you're trying to keep this shoulder, right shoulder back, so that the club can be thrown.

You don't throw a ball like this. As you throw a ball, your shoulder is gotta stay back so that arm can extend and release. Same is true in the swing I'm throwing. And my right shoulder has to stay back and see, as I throw my shoulder stays back.

If you're doing that, you're gonna have a full release and a ton of speed all from this, throw the ball drill. That ball, both of those balls that I just hit, even though my arm was only about parallel and parallel, it's not a full swing. It's a modified nine to three. The ball still went about 150 yards.

That is your target goal here 150 yards, which is probably farther than many of you're hitting your seven iron. But you can achieve that now with control.

When you use your fundamentals of the flat left wristed impact, the other things that you've learned, the five checkpoints that you learned in phase one, the two that you added in the release in phase two, and now you start adding speed with learning how to pivot, learning how to propel your hips, to move them quickly so that your arm can throw.

Now you're gonna start to have power. So 150 yard, seven iron is the goal in phase three. And the grouping pattern that we want to see is no more than 10 yards on either side. If you're starting to spray the ball a little bit, your main fundamentals that you learned at impact are breaking down. The wrist is no longer flat or under control or you're flipping the release or not letting it release at all. So make sure that you're hitting those same checkpoints. You'll have to video your swing to make sure that you can check every single little detail, if your wrists are breaking down.

But if you are still hitting the ball, nice and straight, start to ingrain this movement. Go to the follow along section and start going through the movements and the practice session so that you can nail this movement down.

So then phase four, when we start to refine a full swing and we finish everything off, you're gonna have prodigious power and keep that same consistency that you developed in phase one.

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Hello. Can I make this same 9-3 with a driver? Curious on your recommendations.
August 28, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Syrien. L to L size 9 to 3 would be possible (lead arm parallel in the backswing), but any shorter would be tough with a driver.
August 29, 2024
Thanks. I’m struggling with slicing and noticed that was helping a little. It’s something about that LtoL 9-3 that tells my brain to get more back turn.
August 29, 2024
Sean quinn
In phase 3 I have started hitting behind the ball and taking divots because of the longer swing. Any reason for this ?
July 24, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sean. Make sure you are shifting enough weight to the lead side. Also, if you add any shoulder spin initially in transition that will throw the lag angle early leading to fat.
July 24, 2024
these series of movements ..are they applicable in wedge play (pitches)?
May 28, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Yes and no. The movements will be the same but you need to take into account most wedges you want to flight and not max out. For a proper wedge you don't need a very aggressive post and release. You will tend to calm the lower body down a little and use a touch more body release with focus on accuracy over big distance. Take a look at Penetrating Wedge Shot Video.
May 28, 2024
Hi Craig, I have succesfully completed phase 2 and was achieving a distance of circa 40 yards with a fairly passive nine to three drill 7 iron. I have just started phase 3 and cannot get anywhere near the distances Chuck is quoting for this phase. I'm struggling to understand how much effort I need to put into 'throwing the ball' as I will need to speed up the club head by a factor of more than three and a half times to achieve Chuck's benchmark distances, with only a small increase in back swing.
May 5, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. You should have enough backswing to generate good yardage. I'm guessing your legs are either a little lazy in the post or you are throwing the angle much too soon. If you want to post a swing review, or video in the community I would be happy to see if we can diagnose the issue.
May 6, 2024
Tried this phase on the local golf simulator today before playing matter what I tried I got a ball flight that was initially straight that tailed off late for a 15 metre fade to the right. Help
April 14, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Make sure you aren't opening the shoulders through the release.
April 15, 2024
So I have tried trowing the ball and focusing on my right arm as i try to replicate that feeling with the golf club. My cuestión is, if all of my attention is on the right arm as being the active arm, what does the lead arm does now?? I have issues with fat shots after using the trow the ball dril.
April 10, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eduadro. The lead is still pulling and guiding the plane. The trail throw causing fat shots means it's too soon and too active. Sequence the body first then throw. Sounds like you are throwing immediately from the top hard.
April 11, 2024
Hi, I just started phase 3 today and I can get a pretty good grouping but the balls are all about 30 yards short of 150 yards. I just watched the clamshell video and I will be drilling that to death for the next few days. Is there anything else I can do to give me that extra 30 yards carry?
March 7, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Calvin. Tough to gauge where the speed loss is without seeing your move. I would think you're either not driving the legs enough, or you are throwing the ball too soon with the arm and not getting the necessary hand speed.
March 7, 2024
I submitted my swing review today, amazing what I saw when I watched it, hopefully you guys can help!
March 11, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Calvin. Yes. Visual feedback in a necessity when diagnosing a swing. Look forward to helping you grow on your swing journey.
March 12, 2024
Thanks so much for the review! I have been practicing the take away drills since last night and I will go back to phase 2 once I feel better with those new moves. I will also watch all the videos you suggested right now and continue to build on your review suggestions. I am a class of ‘97 Gamecock so I don’t mind seeing that logo at all!!
March 12, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Calvin. My father lives there and my sister graduated from Nursing School at USC. Good stuff. Glad you found the review helpful and let's see the swing improve .
March 12, 2024
Hi, I have a problem between phase 2 and 3. In phase 2 I have no problem to achieve 50 yards or more if I putt some speed on it. But when I go further on my back swing, like in phase 3 I don't increase much more in distance, the ball just goes higher. There are so many videos for errors in phase 3. Could you guide me a little bit on where should I start looking? Thanks
January 21, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jan. It sound like you are adding loft at impact and firing the lag too soon. I would start with 9 to 3 lag building drills and work towards the increase lag - impact cube drill.
January 22, 2024
Shall the right wrist also be an active part of the throwing motion or more like passively releasing, keeping the wrists loose. Have tried to make it active but find it hard to time and the balls are spreading all over.
October 5, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alte. The release is letting go. A passive conduit of power from the trail wrist.
October 5, 2023
Thanks Craig. Just saw the Youtube video GOAT Theory Intro - What it FEELS Like to RELEASE Like Tiger Woods (by Rotaryswing). Here (12 min into the video) Chuck talks about releasing the right hand actively and actively using the wrists. I understand that as more than letting go. Would like to understand this bette. Could you elaborate a bit more on this? Thanks
October 25, 2023
Hi Craig. Just disregard my question. Found the answer in the new GOAT Theory video.
October 25, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alte. Will do. When you replied to your own message I didn't get the notification.
October 25, 2023
Gents, the drill that gets me back on track during a round lately the best, is the one armed, thumbless full swing drill. It really seems to help with lag preservation and sequencing. I suspect it also keeps me from getting the pincer fingers too involved. Going to submit a swing review so, but based on this, what else might you recommend. And incidentally, I can’t find the drill in the website for review (just remember it from a year or two ago). Can you tell me where it is? Thanks!
September 22, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. Awesome. I'm not sure if you are talking about the Frisbee Drill or the 2 Finger Release Drill. Happy to read you are able drill the swing back on track with the videos!
September 22, 2023
I do not notice any squat or sit move here in Chuck's swing. Looks so subtle. Looks to me like he is turning his lower body back to square with constant knee flex and then posting. The weight first moves back to center and then to lead foot. Is that correct?
September 3, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tausif. There is a squat when shifting back to the lead side a squaring the hips. Just not a dramatic lowering. The drill works a touch differently than the swing but you must shift more than half your weight when transitioning to the lead side. around 70-80% before post.
September 4, 2023
Understood. I totally get how the backswing and this move creates lag. Where can I find videos explaining how the body automatically ensures last parallel, shaft lean and a naturally flat/bowed release? By last parallel, I am referring to the ideal look that all tour pros have in the downswing when the club is parallel to the ground.
September 4, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tausif. 4 Step Lag Builder and Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks 4 of 6 would be my go to's for that.
September 6, 2023
Thank you
September 6, 2023
Can I use a different club instead of a 7 iron for phase 3? My back yard is a bit shorter than 159 yards. Can I for instance be aiming to a PW/9 iron 120/130 yards for these drills? Andrew
July 24, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. If you need to use a higher lofted club in the meantime that is fine.
July 24, 2023
I,m really struggling with Throw the Ball Drill for speed. When I swing my club using the same feel , usually hit behind the ball and / or push the ball to the right.
May 16, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Sounds like you are trying to power with the arm and not through the arm. Think like a jump shot. The last thing to happen is release. Sounds like you are rushing the release and not finishing the sequence with the body.
May 17, 2023
One more observation in this video....Chuck is using the right hand for the next level of speed after throwing the ball with the right hand. I understand that, but I thought the right hand was support for the left hand, therefore the left hand creates speed too? Confused on that part. Help?!
April 5, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Edward. Both arms and hands have a role in the swing. The lead side is used primary for control. The power is transferred passively through the trail. You aren't powering it with the arm.
April 6, 2023
I have been doing the DEAD drill and all the other pieces of the swing and had a fantastic range session today! Watching this video on increasing speed as me wanting to ask a question.....why does Chuck have a wider stance for this drill, rather than doing it from our narrower set up? Just asking for a friend! Lol! I am ready to add some speed to my swing, now that I can hit the ball square and straight! Thanks in advance.
April 5, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Edward. Using the stepping motion or wider stance connects better with students. It is easier to feel the shift and post similar to throwing a ball. This forces the muscles to work a little harder to attain proper kinematic sequence.
April 6, 2023
Throwing the ball with the right arm can very easily lead to an Over-the-Top move. How do you make this move without coming OTT? Also, Chuck shows in his backswing videos the motion of the arms in the backswing. (See "5 minutes to a perfect backswing.") In a similar vein, how do the arms move (and specifically the right arm move) in the downswing? (For example, does the right elbow come down first before the arm starts to straighten?) Taking rotation out of it and just looking at the arms with respect to the torso, how do they move in the downswing?
March 16, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Adam. The Axiom Golf Video, Rotary Golf Downswing Overview and 5 Minutes to a Perfect Downswing will help with further clarification. The OTT move will happen if you fire the arms/shoulders first. If you shift your weight initially the trail arm should work down, or have a little clockwise motion feel to it as well. The arms/hands are initially very quiet until you transition the weight into the lead side. The best way to picture it is the arms move vertically down as you shift weight. Take a look at Throw the Ball Drill as well.
March 16, 2023
No one golf instructor that I have been known has the clarity and objectivity as Mr. Chuck Quinton. He understand quick and perfectly what is important and also what is not important to guide the viewers to obtain a solid, elegant, and consistent swing. And he is always in a good mood, like every Teacher should be. I extend my gratitude to him and all the Rotary Swing co-workers team. Beno Lucki, São Paulo, Brasil
March 15, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thank Beno. We much appreciate the post and very pleased you are enjoying the presentations. . Good luck with your swing work and keep us posted if you need further help.
March 16, 2023
You had me believing until the throwing the ball drill came into play. I’m a right-handed writer and a left-handed thrower. Throwing the ball with my right hand doesn’t work. Coordination issues. My brain might be built incorrectly but you really confused me asking me to throw the club (or right arm). That arm doesn’t work in a throwing motion. I could play ok golf a while back (i.e 8 HCP) but something has gone askew (badly). These videos were tremendous until I’ve been asked to do something so unnatural like throwing the ball. Nightmare.
February 4, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. You don't have to be active with your trail arm if you are more coordinated with the lead arm. The goal from this video is sequencing. How to use the legs to propel the motion. Both sides in the swing have a role to play. I am right handed and a left side dominant player (releaser). I use the above drill to train my legs and sequencing. From Phase 2 to 3 nothing changes other than length and legs are more aggressive. It's not a complete new move/swing to train.
February 4, 2023
I keep chunking it with my right arm when I do this without the ball. Dont know what I am doing wrong. Should I be holding the lag through the swing?
December 14, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Amaury. You need to maintain the angle as in a normal swing. I would think you are throwing the angle too soon, or check your weight/hip clearing.
December 15, 2022
Would you say the release of the right arm is at the same time as you post up on the left leg or it would be after?
December 15, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Amaury. When throwing the ball you will post before you release the ball.
December 16, 2022
My phase 3 video won't play. It's just a blurry picture and nothing happens when i click on it. Any suggestions?
December 8, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. There is an issue with Vimeo (out video host). We are contacting them to get the glitch corrected. Much appreciate the patience and our apologies.
December 8, 2022
It's working now - Thanx!
December 8, 2022
Is what we see here a RSide dominant move - or what is often icalled hitting? Can this throw move also be used by a swinger? If not, what does he do instead?
November 29, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. The throw move needs to be used by the swinger. The trail side transfers power. Think about it like your lead side is the control and trail side is the speed. For a swinger the trail side will passively transfer power it's not solely coming from arm strength/force.
November 29, 2022
Hi Craig. Just about to start phase 3 having really enjoyed phases 1 and 2. In each previous phase I noticed that progress was slow to begin with and then, when you have issues worked out, speeds up towards the end of the phase. This time, in phase 3, I see a snag. As 17 hc who is in their 70s, a 150 yard carry with a 7-iron is something I might achieve in a dream at night rather than in reality on a golf course! Is there a sliding scale regarding 7-iron carry distance when you factor in age and flexibility? Putting all this another way, what sort of % increase on my existing 7-iron carry distance should I aim for in order to meet a modified checkpoint as I work through phase 3? Or does my RSG progress end here?! Hope not!
November 14, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. You will start to see some gains in speed when done correctly. I think you might find some winding back of the years . Nevertheless, I would gauge around 75% of a normal full yardage combined with the correct dispersion.
November 14, 2022
Winding back of the years would be good! 75% is the objective now. Thanks Craig.
November 14, 2022
Hi, just want to thank you for putting together this phased approach for improving ball striking. I have been diligently tracking my progress in the dashboard, and I am now about 25% through phase 3. I can really see a difference in my ball striking. I started the program a few months ago at a 9 handicap. I am now down to a 7 handicap, and I just shot an even par 72 at my home course last Saturday in league play. I play this league each Saturday, and I have never shot par at this course. This program from Rotary Swing Golf has exceeded my expectations. I truly feel that I have just begun to experience the improved scoring capability that I will achieve. I excited look forward to my next round of golf. Thanks, again!
November 3, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Fantastic news! Many thanks for sharing this with us. We are pleased to read about the improvement and looking forward to the swing continuing to improve
November 3, 2022
Hi, can I get some guidance on a problem I am having with reaching the target distance of 150yds? When I combine the phase1 exercises with the release in phase 2, I am going back to club parallel in the backswing and releasing the club while focussing on keeping the impact good. I am reaching about 90 to 100 yards easily. When I try to lengthen the swing to arm parallel, I don't gain anything. I've gone back to checkpoints, RH foot down, rh arm straight during the backswing (feel anyway), head back, releasing the club, weight transfer to lead foot good and posting up as with the throw the ball drill. I'm sorry to say that I don't achieve any greater ball or club speed (according to my PRGR monitor) and no more distance. I tried increasing the swing length gradually but I seem to have hit a ceiling on distance and speed. I've checked posture, looked at the rotation videos with regard to making a full turn but keeping the arms straight and club perpendicular to the chest. I can't identify what is holding me back. The throw the ball drill did increase club head speed but no effect on distance. Smash factor with a 7 iron is about 1.15-1.2, so I'm assuming that impact is still OK. It certainly sounds the same as with the 9-3 drill. So frustrating, I don't know where to look. The faults/fixes offer loads of help but I don't know what is at fault, so aaah!! lol. Please, any advice?
October 25, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. Happy to take a look at it if you want to post up a review or video in the community. It sounds like a lag/impact issue. You aren't creating/maintaining/releasing lag at the correct time.
October 25, 2022
Thanks Craig, I'll post one up as soon as I can
October 26, 2022
Hi Craig, sorry for the delay. I've been looking again at some of my swing videos and I've seen some chicken wing things going on and I've noticed that my club is below parallel to the ground on the downswing at post up, so there is probably a lag issue there. I've been looking at some of Chuck's lag videos e.g. Key to creating lag, and I think it will be worth chasing this down before submitting a review. Hope that makes sense. Just didn't want you to think I had forgotten. Cheers and I'm glad you are feeling better now.
October 30, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thank you Tony for the well wishes. Glad to read you are seeing some of the speed loss issues. I figured it would come down to lag being lost too soon.
October 31, 2022
Hi, sorry but I'm confused as to what we are trying to do in this phase, other than get more speed. I'm confused because I have spent a lot time quietening my RH side and now it seems it is coming back in. Are we; 1, trying to add speed by throwing the R arm? I can see lots of other questions in my mind about the effect on losing lag, having a lead arm release, the R arm taking control again etc. I've tried the first part of the drill and I don't feel the release lots of the time and it seems that the R arm is throwing the ball, rather than it being thrown by the transition and PU, or, 2. are we increasing speed by speeding up the transition and PU? 3, both? Btw, I'm from the UK so I am one of the people Chuck describes as not knowing how to throw a ball 'properly. I have never played baseball and in cricket we bowl under-arm when young and later over-arm. Only in top level players do you see a fielder throw the ball as in baseball (like Chuck describes). I was never taught that so, I end up throwing the ball diagonally across by front, or in a circular motion (which worries me for casting), In short, I don't know what I am aiming for in this phase. I watched the video and saw Chuck throw the ball diagonally and/or in a circular path. I've looked at casting in the faults/fixes, but I cannot find any help there. I'm lost, any help back to the path would be appreciated. Btw, for someone who has never hit a 7 iron further than 115 yards, if I could hit a ball 150yds, it would like morphing into Tiger, or Chuck!!
October 19, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. Take a look at Throw the Ball Drill for some extra details. The goal is to transfer the speed. When throwing a ball, or adding speed to the golf swing you don't want to rely on arm strength alone. You are sequencing the body to transfer power passively through the arms because of the kinetic chain. Think about the trail arm as being a passive conduit of power. The shift/post to generate speed to be delivered through the trail arm/hand (why scapular connection is vital). You aren't trying to power the swing with the trail arm.
October 19, 2022
Thanks Craig, that is much clearer. I was a little worried about unintentially going backwards but I understand what you mean now. The power is still coming from your legs, ground and PU, the RH is merely helping to add more speed. Thanks
October 20, 2022
Question Re: timing of release and hip rotation/post up. In some earlier videos on release Chuck in making point of equal and opposite forces demonstrated club going out and down balanced at the same time by the forces of the body going up and back almost simultaneously and the drill if I recall was post and release happening at the same time versus this, the frisbee drill, winter downswing... where its more of a step, pivot, throw/release with slight delay where the post up occurs first and body pulls the arms around. Any suggestion on the best way to think of the timing of the release and striking the ball and the post up? Sorry if I am not expressing the question very clearly.
October 2, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steven. The drill is broken up into chunks to get the sequence down. You still will shift-post-release. But at speed these things are happening so fast in the downswing they will almost fell simultaneous. Take a look at the Tour Pro Downswing Sequence Drill. You will see on the mapping where the weight/hips fire. But, when blended and at pace they will feel very closely connected.
October 3, 2022
Since most of my faults come from a too dominent R side, I fear that this throwing motion will make it even more difficult to try to get rid of my problems like OTT, slicing etc and instead try to be more of a swinger/left hand dominent (without actually beeing it) in hope of training my lower body to get more involved and do most of the work. Or doesn't more speed from the R hand tend to mess things up ? We are often told that a push is not so reliable as a pull in the swing motion.
September 28, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. Overusing the trail side will lead to OTT, Casting, Etc. However, speed will come from the trail side and some players have an easier time feeling the shallow move with their trail hand. You can use either side to train proper shallowing. I am a lead side dominant player. Using weight shift and the lead side pulling motion is perfectly fine.
September 28, 2022
Since phase 3 is about more speed there should also be room for achieving this swinging, not only hitting. Only one way to do it is presented. Those who have bad experience with pushing should also be given a method to uptain more speed, if that is the goal in this phase.
September 29, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. The power in a lead side dominate swinger is still coming from the trail arm. The power is transferred passively through the trail side. The combo of this power transfer, plus the leverage and width will equal great speed. Look at the drill above as creating more kinetic energy through the body to be transferred. Not pushing motion strength of the trail arm.
September 29, 2022
At phase 3 I tend to pull with my lead shoulder during downswing. What exercise do you recommend to cure this?
August 17, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joakim. Take a Look at How Swing Speed Affects Compression. Great drill with impact bag to help with ripping open lead shoulder.
August 18, 2022
AI seems to measure progress at a slower pace in phase 3.
August 5, 2022
Yes every stage is different
August 5, 2022
I have really been struggling to get in quality phase 3 reps. I had no real speed and it felt complicated. Something was wrong but I could not work it out. I consulted the "Increase speed" section of phase 4 and decided to watch "How to use your lead leg for power..." and that led me to revisit the Clam Shell video. Bingo! For me the key moments were in the "How to use your lead leg..." video when Chuck showed the direction Tiger pushes with his lead foot (diagonally out and down) and in the Clam shell video where Chuck demonstrates how this motion includes increasing the angle between your legs and your hips. I made achieving the Clam shell position by moving how I now understood Tiger to move and immediately my ball striking improved dramatically. No more right side push to release the club (especially since you really cannot push from the Clam shell position without radically moving your head) and I have all day long to let the club release on a powerful, fast and beautiful arc to a full finish. I can now do the phase 3 drill with ease. I hope these insights help others. For the upteenth time - many thanks.
August 2, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the post Tom. Great to hear you understand how better to use the legs without early extension. I also believe this will be a helpful post for our members. Thank you for the insight.
August 3, 2022
When I do the "throw the ball" move correctly I can feel my hands passing closer to my Center of Mass (Pelvis) or closer to my body instead of out during an even modest OTT move. With my hands closer in the angular velocity of the clubhead really increases. It's physics. I now understand the effortless speed you talk about and why it happens. The movement of the trail arm in more of a side arm throwing motion also helps open my lead hips. My clubhead speed really picked up and I am not applying more effort.
August 1, 2022
“The movement of the trail arm in more of a side arm throwing motion also helps open my lead hips.“ EXACTLY!!
August 1, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Carver! Makes sense to me. All the golf swing is is physics. Glad you are feeling and seeing the differences. Love new discoveries when working on the swing.
August 1, 2022
Is the 150yd target distance carry or total?
July 19, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. We would like 150 carry give or take a few yards. The main goal would be not seeing 110 carry and 40 yards of roll. We want you to learn how to develop some speed to start carrying the ball further.
July 20, 2022
I am about to graduate to phase 3 and so I am now interested in whether we should include a minimum of 150 yards of carry as one of our check points when we are determining if hit a "good one" during this phase. Your thoughts?
July 14, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. The distance will vary from player to player. But, you need to take into account you are having speed. These strikes shouldn't be on the smaller side in yardage.
July 14, 2022
When first going through prior Dead Drill program it seemed the emphasis was on golf being lead side dominant with the arms. There was a release drill with throwing frisbee with the left hand... Then later there was video showing option of lead vs trail arm dominant to see which approach the individual preferred with both considered acceptable (Video "Left vs right in the golf swing - which is right for you"). With the C4 phase 3 it seems you are recommending/preferring the trail/right arm style. Is that correct?
June 19, 2022
Hi Steven, actually, the Throw the Ball Drill was first published in 2007, about 10 years before I developed the DEAD Drill! In fact, the TBD was my go-to drill right up until I realized just how many people have no idea how to throw a ball. As my teaching practice grew to more high handicaps I had students hitting themselves in the foot with the ball, hitting me, others on the range, you name it. My teaching practice was about 80% touring pros back in the mid-2000s so I had a biased perspective on the average golfer's ability. RotarySwing has always been about using a balance of both sides of the body, but what I learned back then is that most amateurs are extremely right side dominant and use it incorrectly. That's what lead to prioritizing teaching students how to balance it out which meant for them focusing solely on the lead side because even then, the right side would incorrectly take over. With C4, I decided to teach people how to throw correctly rather than assume they know how to do it, hence the detail that you see in this drill.
June 19, 2022
When i try to incorporate “throw the ball drill” into my swing I block my swing and ball goes to the right. What might be happening? My goal is to hit my 7 iron 150yds , still unable to reach that after doing PhSE 1-3.
June 14, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Make sure you aren't just spinning the chest/hips too open. Take a look at How Swing Speed Affects Compression. Those drills will help for both arms.
June 15, 2022
Burton You will have to follow the link to see the cartoon. If you can see the cartoon the "then a miracle occurs" piece is in between Phase 2 and Phase 3. We are going from a 50 yard swing to a 150 yard swing. Sticking with the learn to drive analogy driving a car driven at the club head speed for a 50 yard seven iron would be legal on some city streets. A car driven at the club head speed for 150 yards isn't Indy 500 speed but it would get you a ticket on the freeway. In Phase 2 the right hand is a passenger, In Phase 3 we hand off the keys to the right hand. Although going from the club being parallel to the lead arm parallel doesn't seem like that much if you look at the club position in the backswing you can see that the amount of backswing has doubled to 12 o'clock For those of us struggling with over the top and early extension nailing the release is too late in the process. I have done the dead drill so many times my mirror is getting burn-in. The Axiom helps but still comes up short. I would love to see something like Phase 2.25 followed by Phase 2.5 and then Phase 2.75. In fairness I have not seen any other golf instruction gets at this either. I do think the follow along lessons are a great addition to the lessons and I am excited to see the full C4 lesson set.
June 8, 2022
If you’re struggling with ott at this point you need to work the throw the ball drill correctly as this makes it impossible to swing ott ad the right arm works down
June 8, 2022
A follow-up question: In this video we learn to make a good hip rotation move and release the club. In this video it does not appear that Chuck has any stop in his rotation to allow the club to whip through. How does this hip rotation and throw motion fit with the long held idea that we should be trying to stop our body to allow the club to whip through? Thanks, Tom
June 2, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. The hips will need to decelerate to help transfer the energy. Posting correctly and firing the gluttes allows you to achieve this. The throw motion definitely incorporates this notion. You may not see the stall out, but it is there to help allow the club to release.
June 3, 2022
Love this video. It has helped me add a ton of speed to my swing. A question - I understood the previous "Throw the ball" videos to say we should throw the ball at the ball. When Chuck demonstrates the actual throwing of the ball in this video he appears to be throwing it at the target rather than the ball. Can you shed some light on this for me?
May 31, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hell Tom. The throwing motion is still towards the ball.
May 31, 2022
Should I assume this "Hell" vs "Hello" is a typo and not a Freudian admonishment for me being slow on the uptake? Thanks for the clarificación.
June 8, 2022
Hahaha yep! i'm sure he meant hello
June 9, 2022

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