The Only Guaranteed Way to Fix Your Golf Swing

Published: November 12, 2018

Over the next few minutes, I'm going to walk you through some of the most crucial elements to the RotarySwing Tour System. These are things that 99% of all golfers will never understand, but will lead to taking, three, five, or we've even had hundreds of students take a dozen or more strokes off their handicaps in only a few short months, using just these simple techniques. Before I teach you exactly what you need to know to have a safer and more efficient swing, I want to look at a couple of harsh realities of the gold instruction industry.

If you've ever taken a golf lesson or you've watched golf instruction videos online, you've probably learned that while there's some really well-intentioned instructors out there, there's a lot of misinformation, a ton of conflicting advice, and other recommendations that can both hurt your golf game and your body. This is one of the biggest problems facing the golf industry today. It's so easy to spend time, hard earned money, and not see a lick of results.

Should You Model Your Golf Swing After a Tour Pro?

Part of the problem lies in the foundation of golf instruction in general. It's constantly chasing the dominant player of the day. Think about it, have you ever taken a golf lesson and had your swing compared to Tiger, or Rory, or some other pro? You know, see golf professionals generally teach one of two things. One, they teach you how to swing like the hot tour pro of the moment, whoever that may be, which changes all the time. Or two, they teach you a series of band-aids that have worked to fix their own golf swings. That's it.

The reality, the golf swing should never change. The fundamentals of the golf swing should be the same regardless of who is teaching them, just like in every other sport, but more often than not, with golf, it's just not the case. That's where Rotary Swing sets itself apart from traditional instruction. We've based the entire Rotary Swing System on anatomy and kinesiology to develop a swing that allows your body to move powerfully, efficiently, and safely. Now, here's another question for you, do you know what you primarily learn when you go to the PGA program if you're going to become a golf pro?

Hint, it's not how to make people better golfers. No. Most of what you're learning is how to run a multi-million business, which is what a golf course is, right? You're learning how to manage the pro shop, how to manage inventory, manage events, understanding the fundamental of agronomy, how to manage the carts. And then, you get very, very little on how to actually teach golfers how to swing. In fact, there's still getting a book that's 25 years old and some of that stuff has actually been proven wrong that's in that book, yet they still teach it anyway, it's just not a priority.

Is that the type of golf instructor you want refining your golf game? Of course not, especially not when you have to shell out hundreds, or even thousands of dollars in the process. Rather than continue talking about how life-changing Rotary Swing is going to be for your game, it's time to show you. Okay, so what is the Rotary Swing methodology? What's it all about? At its core, Rotary Swing is made up of a five-step system that involved the stacking process that I mentioned earlier. We start simple with set up and weight shift techniques, which I'm going to show you in just a second.

It's All About Your Body Movement

But then, after we have those movements fully ingrained in your body, we introduce core rotation, the lead arm, the golf club, and finally the trailing arm. Understanding how each of these components of the golf swing fits into the entire movement, it's critical to have a safe, efficient, and powerful golf swing. In this video, I'm going to completely shatter all of your thoughts on what a golf swing is. I'm going to share the secrets of how pros are able to drive the ball so far, with so little effort every single time.

This is my favorite tool to help golfers understand how to swing a golf club properly. It's a flail, the ball on the end of a cable, and a piece of wooden stick. Not that complicated, but as I move this around, I want you to play a close attention to something. As I move it around in a big circle like this, the ball's not moving on a very consistent plane, right? It's not moving very fast and it's kind of moving all over the place. But, as I start moving this stick in a tighter movement, and I start moving the stick in the opposite direction that it wants the ball to go, look what happens to the ball.

Not only does it speed up, but it's moving at a more constant swing plane and path. I can move the stick all over the place, which isn't very efficient. I'm having to work a lot harder. I'm trying to move the stick in the same direction I want the ball to go. It doesn't work very well. I pull in the opposite direction that the balls going and all of a sudden, look how fast this thing can move and how little I'm moving. It's this concept that is fundamental to understanding why you need to start pulling, versus, pushing with your golf swing. That's critical.

We're going to cover that in just a few minutes in step three, but first, let's start with step one. Let's start at the beginning, the absolute basics with weight shift and set up. One of the things we like to do with Rotary Swing Tour is to echo a lot of golf swing myths. That is a lot of misconstrued information out there about the golf swing. One of the most common ones that we start out with is with the setup. There's a bunch of different things that go on with setup that people do incorrectly all the time and are taught incorrectly. I to address a couple of those.

I'm going to start showing you how to do it correctly. First of all, what's the most common thing you hear about stance with? How wide should your stance be? Well, it's pretty simple to answer. In most cases, when you ask any golf pro, they tell you shoulder width apart. I always ask them, okay, well, where are your legs attached? Well, they're attached to your hips of course. I say, well, okay, what are your shoulders, the width of your shoulders have anything to do with your hips? Well, they don't have anything to do with it. Why would the width of your shoulders determine how wide your stance should be? They usually can't give a very good answer for that because there isn't one.

Your stance width is determined by the width of your pelvis, but we've got to go back another step further and think about it from an RST perspective. We think about things in terms of gathering requirements first. What are your requirements with stance width? What are you trying to really do? Well, the first thing I'm trying to do is be really stable. So, taking this stance width, I'm going to be really stable. I can swing the club really hard, and not fall over, and have a really good base that's going to be very stable. I've met the first requirement.

The problem is there's more than one requirement with stance width. The second is, I need to be able to shift my weight fully without my head moving all over the place. That's the other requirement. If I stand really narrow, transferring my weight, pretty easy. I can shift my weight 100% to right foot, 100% to left foot without hardly moving at all and my head doesn't have to move. I've met the first requirement or the second one, but the first one isn't met because I don't have much width. I don't have very much stability to fight all of the forces of the club that are trying to pull me over.

How Wide Should Your Stance REALLY Be?

How do we determine stance width? Well, I can go two inches outside of neutral joint alignment, which we'll talk about once we get inside, that's more of these videos, but two inches outside of neutral joint alignment, will give me the proper stance width so that I can be stable, while also fully transferring my weight without my head moving. A piece of cake. Rotary Swing has fundamentals for every aspect of the swing that are based on science and your autonomy. The width of your pelvis is going to determine your stance width, not the width of your shoulders.

Some people have really broad shoulders, Arnold Schwarzenegger and some people have really narrow hips, and some people have really broad hips, and narrow shoulders. It has to do with how wide your stance should be based on the requirements of what it is you're trying to accomplish. So, stance width, a really common one. Now, one thing that most people also get wrong, is where should your weight be? And so, with this one, we need to look at from down the line. If I'm setting up to the ball, most common golf swing instruction, myths, I would call it, tell you that you should set up on the balls of your feet.

Should You Setup on the Balls of Your Feet?

And so again, I'll ask the instructor, well why do you think I should set up on the balls of my feet? And the answer is always the same, to be more athletic. I say, okay, well, athletic is a pretty vague term. I could interpret that a lot of different ways. By athletic, what do you mean exactly? Well, you need to be like a shortstop, ready to move in any direction. Okay, that makes sense. For a shortstop, he doesn't know which direction he's going to have to move. The ball could go back. He could have to run forward for a bunt. He may have to go side to side. He doesn't know.

I say, oh, that makes perfect sense for a shortstop. Now tell me, in the golf swing, where are you trying to go? They look at me kind of funny. Well, not really trying to go anywhere. I'll say, okay, so, why would you set up like a shortstop and follow his requirements when he has to move in any direction that he doesn't know where he's trying to go and you're trying to do the exact opposite and stay very still? That doesn't make any sense either. Not only that but in the golf swing, the club is applying a tremendous amount of force, trying to pull you forward. There's all this centrifugal force that's got the club trying to yank you this way.

As you set up on the balls of your feet, and you swing really aggressively, pretty easy to do that number. That's not a very good way to swing a golf club. Where should you be in your feet from heel to toe? There's a fundamentals-based answer and it has to do with what true balance really is. What is true balance? Well, you can stand up and do this one with me. All you need to do is, stand straight up, good posture, and just slowly rock forward where you feel your heels start to lift up, and then slowly rock back until you feel your toes lift up. Just keep doing this a little bit back and forth, until you feel, once you've stopped moving, that you feel perfectly balanced and relaxed.

You don't feel your feet clawing to keep you up. You don't feel like you're going to fall over backward. It can help you if you do this when you close your eyes and let your body start to sense where true balance is. For everybody, if your legs are straight, it's going to be right through the center of your ankles. That's where your body is engineered to bear load, which is gravity. That's the forces of nature that we're dealing with every single day and our body is structurally designed to have weight through the center of our ankles. That's true balance.

Guess what? When you set up in the golf swing and you're trying to not fall forward or go backward, guess where your weight should be? Over the center of your ankles. RST looks at every single part of the golf swing like this. When you're starting to work through things, just these two-setup cue's alone will help you a ton in learning how to get more power out of your swing, be more consistent, and have a much more effortless golf swing. Now, with just those two pieces of advice alone, you're going to put yourself in a better position than all of your golf buddies, who just don't know what you've just learned.

But, your setup is just one of the crucial elements of an effortless, powerful golf swing. Your momentum is really coming from weight shift, but where does all this power from? What is the motor that really drives and powers a really powerful golf swing? If you said your core, you'd be absolutely right. All movement should begin from the trunk of your body, where your biggest and strongest muscles reside. That forms the basis of step two of the RST system. Let's take a look.

Stop Worrying About the Golf Club

All right. Let's keep tacking some golf swing myths here. One of my next big pet peeves is how you should swing the club. There's a lot of information out there, lots of different ways to kind of skin a cat here, but again, with RST, we're all about efficiency. We want to do it the most efficient way humanly possible. That is all about moving certain parts of our body, very little that's going to move the golf club a long way. Now, what most amateurs do is the exact opposite. They get so fixated on moving the golf club with their arms and hands to try and position it in a place that they think is the right position for the swing, but the way that they got there, makes it impossible for them to generate power from their body in the swing.

Let me give you an example, if I was to turn down the line for just a second and I should you a position here, you'd probably say that that golf club position doesn't really look that bad for the end of my takeaway, right? But now, what I did to move there was just my wrist and arms. I didn't move my body at all. When you look at it from the face on, this doesn't look like a very good golf swing at all because you know I haven't used any big muscle in my body and I need to engage about 32 pounds of muscle to generate about 100 miles an hour club head speed.

The Simplest Golf Takeaway You Can Make

Now, you can't beat science again and I don't have 32 pounds of muscle in my forearms, so it doesn't make any sense to just maneuver the club and manipulate it. You've got to learn how to move your body correctly and that's where RST really sets itself apart because to really finish the takeaway, as an example, you only have to move two inches. How does that make any sense? I'm going to move two inches, the golf's going to move eight feet. Let me show you. Throw the club down for a second because most of the time when you're practicing, you don't need that. You need to learn how to move from the inside out.

What I'm going to do, is I'm going to take my right shoulder blade because I'm a right-handed golfer, and I'm going to focus on pulling it back in toward my spine. That's it. All I'm doing is taking my shoulder blade, pulling it back. Now, as you'll notice, my body, my rib cage, the logo on my shirt, is turning towards now about 45 degrees open. Now, if I did that with my arms in place and again, I focus just on pulling that shoulder blade back, look where my arms go. I'm not trying to move my arms at all, in fact, I'm just trying to leave them here. As I move my body, my hands are moving a long way.

Now, what happens when I pick up the golf club? Look at that. I didn't try to move the golf club at all. In fact, I just moved my shoulder blade and that moved the club all the way to a perfect takeaway. It's the way that you move the club and what muscles, where you move from, that's going to determine what kind of golfer you're really going to be. With the Rotary Swing Tour System, we help you completely rewire the way you think about the golf swing. We're going to teach you how to swing from the inside out, just like the pro's you see on TV each week.

With the RST system, we can help you leverage that core rotation with just a few really simple drills to help you master rotation. We're just going to help you hit the ball further than ever, with way less effort. RST is all about moving as little as possible to create maximum results. But weight shift and core rotation, aren't even the most important parts of the Rotary Swing System. Next, I'm going to share with you the single most important mindset change that will have the biggest impacts on your golf swing. This one thing alone as the potential to help you go from a 20-handicap ball striker to a single digit, with just a little bit of practice.

It's All About the Science

Like I said earlier, the Rotary Swing System is completely objective. It's based on science and physics, rather than opinion on conjecture. The most fundamental aspect of the Rotary Swing Tour System is in step three. It's the concept of pulling, versus, pushing in the golf swing. Most of my golf swing training aids aren't exactly conventional. You've seen my flay, now I'm going to show you my favorite one and that is a truck with a trailer. How on earth does this help you understand anything about the golf swing? The reality is, this is going to teach you more about the golf swing than any book you've ever read, any tip you've ever seen in a magazine, and anything you've ever seen on television.

I want to show you a really simple demonstration that's going to help further illustrate the difference between pushing, versus, pulling in the swing and why that right hand is causing you a ton of trouble in your swing. If I take this truck and I put my finger on the top of it, and I just pull the trailer down the highway, the trailer automatically goes straight every single time. Without me trying, I can just put my finger on top of it, pull it, it perfectly follows in line. Now, as soon as I keep my finger in the same spot, but I change the direction the truck's moving, almost instantly, the trailer and the truck jackknife. How does this happen?

What's changing here? My finger's in the same spot. I'm not pushing any harder, but instantaneously, the trailer changes the way it's going to move, and it starts to jackknife. Now, this is how I like to describe most amateurs golf swing. It's pretty much like a big jackknife, as a trailer was trying to be pushed down the highway, which I'm sure you've never seen. You've always seen people pull trailer's down the highway for obvious reasons. Even just trying to pack them up slowly in the driveway, trying to line this thing up, is darn near impossible, just like trying to swing a golf club using your right hand, and the right side of your body as a dominant force is darn near impossible to do it constantly and correctly. That's why none of the tour pros do it.

They all learned to pull from the left side, and that is the key to Rotary Swing. These three fundamentals of weight shift, core rotation, and now pulling with the left side of the body, are three of the five components to a perfect golf swing that will lower your scores, and make your friends green with envy of your golf swing. But, there's obviously more to an effortless, and efficient, and safe golf swing, rather than just those first three steps. The pro's know a little secret about how to use the legs, and the wrist together to hit the ball miles with seemingly no effort.

I call this the pro power move. It is the number one differentiator between the drives of amateurs and pro's on the tour. What about that right hand? If it's not doing all the heavy lifting anymore, then what's it supposed to do? The answer is going to surprise you. Those last two steps are absolutely critical to making the swing work like that of a tour pro's every single time. Are you starting to see how the Rotary Swing Tour System can not only add crazy yardage to your golf game with a laser straight ball flight? But, more importantly, keep your body healthy in the process?

If every time you step over the ball, you've got a laundry list of swing thoughts, like keep your head still, keep your left arm straight, I've got news for you, you're doing it all wrong. It's this common advice that so many golfer's take as gospel, that kills their ability to hit confident golf shots that look and feel silky smooth. What about those injuries I talked about earlier? Every week I see the dreams of good golfers crumble under injury. Mike's quest to break 80, ruined by a torn labrum in his hip. Brian's goal to becoming a scratch golfer, recurring back problems.

Like you, they didn't realize just how problematic their golf swing mechanics really, really were. Improper movements are similar to a raging river, carving deep canyons into the earth. First, you don't really notice any effects from one day to the next, but over a long period of time, everything changes drastically. While you might not feel your body wearing down today, as the months roll into years, it's a virtual guarantee that eventually, your body will succumb to all these harmful repetitive movement patterns. The thought of missing an entire summer of morning rounds on those beautiful dew swept fairways, or that annual golf trips with your buddies can be depressing, Eric even had to cancel his first trip to Pebble Beach.

Do you have any aches or pains in your body right now? Perhaps, something minor, not really thinking, you're not really sure what it is. Unfortunately, it's a good chance it's because of your current golf swing. This is really a scary problem. It's also exactly why I developed the Rotary Swing Tour System. Here's the great news. You can get more distance with less effort, and avoid excruciating injuries like golfer's elbow, rotator cuff tears, or even tendinitis. Rotary Swing Tour is the only proven swing system built with the help from biomechanist, orthopedic surgeons, and learning experts.

Not only will I teach you the exact movements you need for a safe and powerful golf swing, but I guarantee I'll help beat them into your brains so that you never go back to your faulty and dangerous swing problems again. While others are playing cards in the clubhouse, you're doing to be out there enjoying worry-free, sunny days on the course, and playing the best golf of your life in the process. Here's a question for you, do you know one thing that Dustin, Bubba, and Rory, and all these guys have in common, aside from major wins on their resume? They've all mastered one single move that lets them bomb towering drives, miles past so many of their fellow competitors.

I guarantee when I tell you what it is, you're going to say, "I've totally seen them do that." Dozens of people pay over $3,000.00 each year to come to my clinics and learn this move. You should see the looks on their faces when they go from hitting five and six irons into the green to wedges. All the advertisements out there say that if you want to hit longer drives, what you really need to do is buy the latest and greatest driver. This is completely false. It doesn't matter what kind of driver you have, graphite, carbon, titanium, un titanium, none of them will make you a better golfer if you don't learn the swing fundamentals.

If you went head-to-head to Rory today and he had a tiny 60-year-old persimmon wood and you had a brand new latest and greatest driver, or whoever, who do you think is going to drive it better every single time? Exactly. For less than 25% of the cost of a new driver, we can change your golf swing forever. Over the last 15 years, I've become a little bit obsessive about developing this system. I knew when I left the tour, this would really be my life's work. Within a few years of digging into the research, it became crystal clear, there was a much, much better golf swing out there.

If I didn't develop it, learn it, and teach it, millions of golfers would continue unnecessarily hitting the ball poorly while injuring themselves in the process. In 2010, I posted a video on YouTube that many of you have seen, that correctly predicted Tiger Woods would be out of the game for life within a few years, due to the swing mechanics that he was learning, that I knew weren't sustainable for his body. Now, four back surgeries in four years. No thanks. It's not for me. I'm not interested in back surgeries. Today is the day you get to stop worrying about golf swing injuries for the rest of your life and immediately begin lowering your scores.

I just recently got this email from Caleb H of Napa, California. Here's what it reads. "Chuck, in 20 years of golfing, I've taken lessons from numerous PGA pro's. I now feel like I have a better understanding of the golf swing than most of them. Since joining RST, I've gone from a 16 handicap to a 7.1. I hit the ball further and more consistent than ever before. I just turned 65 and to do this at my age, is just the best. I truly believe you should be placed in the Hall of Fame for best golf instructor. Thank you."

Caleb's email isn't the exception either. I literally get hundreds of emails every year from people just like him. People have taken RST to heart and are playing the very best golf of their lives. Now, in just seconds, you're going to have the same access to my entire life's work. You have access to my library of swing videos. It's going to make you learn the perfect golf swing. It's going to be so obscenely easy, that even a fifth grader could learn how to do this. You're also going to immediately get the rest of the video you just watched, where you show you the fundamentals of steps four and five of the RST system.

Now that you know your left side should be doing a lot of the heavy lifting in the swing, we still need to show what to do with that golf club and that pesky right hand. I'm going to let you in on a little secret also, that I got from Jack Nicholas that completely transformed my own game, and took me from shooting in the low 70s to the high 60s, almost instantaneously. When you join our Rotary Swing Tour family, you're going to get two bonuses that I've never ever been crazy enough to offer before. Remember, that move I mentioned early about Dustin, and Bubba, and Rory, and all those guys have mastered? The one that I get paid over $3,000.00 a pop to teach at all my clinics? It's called the pro power move.

In just in a session or two, will help you add 20, 30, or even 50 yards to your drives. It's the move that every single tour pro has mastered that I hardly ever see amateurs do, which is crazy, given how unbelievably important it is. Considering how much money I make teaching this at my clinics, I'm probably a little bit nuts to do this, but as a free bonus to new RST members, I'm going to teach you exactly how to pull off this pro power move. Will it have you hit the balls as far as Dustin and Rory? Maybe not, but it will have you launching rockets past your buddies.

They say the best walk in golf is from tee box with your putting in the hand. I disagree. I think the best walk in golf is the 30 yards between you and your best friends best drive. With every single step you take past them, the smile on your face will get bigger and bigger. The pro power move will give you that feeling again and again and again. Combined with the RST system, it will have you doing it safely, naturally, and consistently. Your body's going to love you for it.

That's not all you're doing to do when you join us at RST today. We still have two more bonuses that you're not going to find anywhere else. Like I mentioned, I spent eight years as a tour golfer. But, do you want to know why I really truly never made it? It was pretty simple really, I sucked at putting. Like, I mean, I was really, really a bad putter. I was a great ball striker as anyone. I even averaged 16 to 18 greens a round, but I struggled constantly to break par because of my putting woes. It wasn't until after I had retired and I had a chance encounter with Jack Nicolas that completely shattered everything I thought I knew about putting.

Imagine this. Averaging 16 to 18 greens a round in regulation, every single round, but racking up so many putts, you're struggling to break par. That was my reality. It was really frustrating. But, literally in my very next round after learning Jack's little putting secret, I began draining more putts than I would've and I would've killed to make as a pro. Sure, I've had ups and downs, but in the years since that chance meeting, I've gone from scores averaging around 72, 73, to rounds 68.

I know what you're thinking right now if this putting secret is so revolutionary and my game has gotten so much better, why haven't gone back out on tour? The answer is really simple because teaching the Rotary Swing Tour is much, much more important. I told you, this is my life's work. This is what it's all about for me. For your second bonus, you're doing to get this 11 part video series. It's going to walk you through exactly what I learned from Jack that day about the putting stroke that lowered my scores forever.

Let's recap. When you join us today, you're doing to be getting several things. First, the full RST five-step training system. Our entire video library covering every single aspect of the game. The pro power move bonus tutorial that will have you hitting the longest drives of your life and the bonus Jack Nicholas putting secret that's going to completely revolutionize the way that you think about putting. Here's the deal, we provide an insane level of customer support to our members, so we can only take a limited amount of new members each month.

I want to make sure that everyone's questions are answered, as they start learning the swing mechanics, and they start making changes to their game. This offer is only for a limited time. There's a very good chance we won't be offering the pro power move tutorial, or the Jack Nicholas putting secret outside of our clinics ever again. We just can't really do it. If you want to learn the secret to effortless power in your golf swing, as well as the putting secrets of one of the game’s greatest players of all time? Then today is the day to make that happen and cure your golf swing once and for all.

I want you to know it's absolutely critical to me personally, that you get tremendous value out of Rotary Swing Tour. If you don't, then I don't deserve your money and we will happily give you a full refund, no questions asked. I totally get it. Sometimes, the only way to really test things out and know if something is right for you, is to try it out for yourself, so it's my goal to make that as easy, and painless, and as risk free as possible because I truly believe you're about to experience the best transformation your golf game has ever seen.

Simply click this link to get immediate access to the entire Rotary Swing Tour System and all of the free bonuses I just mentioned. It's a little scary to think about, but the truth is, your body is actually a ticking time bomb right now. You don't realize it yet, and neither did Jason or Eric. It's not a matter of if your body's going to blow up and because some sort of life-changing injury, but it's just a matter of when. Golf is supposed to be the sport you can play for a lifetime, but you don't have to look much farther than Tiger Woods to see that the poor swing mechanics can catch up to you sooner than you'd like to think.

Wouldn't you rather make those changes now? That will let you play the game you love for the rest of your life, while also making the game more enjoyable in the process? It's a no-brainer. With RST, you'll rapidly learn how to create a swing that is efficient, powerful and the envy of all your friend and playing partners. I've built my entire life around studying everything that goes into a perfect golf swing. I've worked with some of the foremost experts in the world to do it. When you join the Rotary Swing Tour family, I will help you to play the game safely for as long as possible, while having the lowest scores of your life in the process. The time to take action is right now. Click the link below to change your golf swing forever and will see you on the inside.

Learn the 3 Tour Pro Consistency Secrets You've NEVER Heard!

Watch part 2 now to see how you're moving your body in the opposite direction of the pros!

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RotarySwing was founded out of frustration with the current state of golf instruction. Quinton knew a better way had to exist to learn this game we all love.

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